Sunday, January 10, 2016

Marvel Avengers Alliance : ISO Guide

                      Black Bolt 
Despite being king of the Inhumans, Black Bolt has really poor base health, however with great attack and accuracy. This setup builds BB into the shape that PKB likes:
  • 5x Reactive Skillful (White)
  • 2x Reactive Mercurial (Orange)
  • 1x Reactive Steady (Purple)
    Black Bolt
    • +2574 Health / +680 Attack / +255 Accuracy / +595 Evasion

    • Thane
  • 3x Reactive Stalwart (White)
  • 3x Reactive Forceful (Orange)
  • 1x Reactive Exact (Orange)
  • 1x Reactive Sturdy (Green)
    • +1859 Health / +510 Attack / +738 Defense / +369 Accuracy

  •                                                               Moon Knight
  • Cool passive, lots of hits one he stacks retribution, though really unpredictable. Stat-wise, very nice stats overall and can be built many ways because of his flexibility:
    • 4x Reactive Mercurial (Orange)
    • 2x Reactive Powerful (Purple)
    • 2x Reactive Skillful (White)
      • +2002 Health / +738 Attack / +340 Accuracy / +510 Evasion
    This is the more balanced build, with a focus on accuracy and health, having his accuracy go well beyond the 1.8k goal, to make sure that he does not miss his attacks (as some people have commented), but he can do fine as well with high starting accuracy.
    • 3x Reactive Skillful (White)
    • 2x Reactive Violent (Red)
    • 2x Reactive Proficient (Orange)
    • 1x Reactive Powerful (Purple)
      • +1859 Health / +825 Attack / +228 Accuracy / +483 Evasion
    • E iso Suggestion : 
    • Cleansing Empowered Iso-8
    • Inspiring Empowered Iso-8
    • Close Empowered Iso-8

  •                                                           Heimdall 
  • 5x Reactive Forceful (Orange)
  • 2x Reactive Steady (Purple)
  • 1x Reactive Stalwart (White)
    • +1287 Health / +680 Attack / +510 Defense / +595 Accuracy
    • E ISO 8 Suggestion : 
    • Close Empowered Iso-8
    • Elite Empowered Iso-8
  • Loki
  • 4x Reactive Spry (Green)
  • 2x Reactive Patient (White)
  • 1x Reactive Adroit (Orange)
  • 1x Reactive Guardian (Yellow)
    • +2574 Health / +709 Defense / +255 Accuracy / +539 Evasion
    • 'OR'
    • 4x Reactive Skillful (White)
    • 2x Reactive Steady (Purple)
    • 1x Reactive Violent (Red)
    • 1x Reactive Proficient (Orange)
      • +2574 Health / +738 Attack / +284 Accuracy / + 454 Evasion

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